
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

(no description)

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
modelerType java.lang.String RW Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once
virtualHost java.lang.String R null Introspected attribute virtualHost
bytesSent long RW Introspected attribute bytesSent
method java.lang.String R null Introspected attribute method
remoteAddr java.lang.String R Introspected attribute remoteAddr
requestBytesSent long R 0 Introspected attribute requestBytesSent
contentLength int R -1 Introspected attribute contentLength
bytesReceived long RW Introspected attribute bytesReceived
requestProcessingTime long R 160886 Introspected attribute requestProcessingTime
globalProcessor org.apache.coyote.RequestGroupInfo RW Introspected attribute globalProcessor
protocol java.lang.String R null Introspected attribute protocol
currentQueryString java.lang.String R null Introspected attribute currentQueryString
maxRequestUri java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute maxRequestUri
requestBytesReceived long R 0 Introspected attribute requestBytesReceived
serverPort int R -1 Introspected attribute serverPort
stage int RW Introspected attribute stage
requestCount int RW Introspected attribute requestCount
maxTime long RW Introspected attribute maxTime
processingTime long RW Introspected attribute processingTime
currentUri java.lang.String R null Introspected attribute currentUri
errorCount int RW Introspected attribute errorCount

List of MBean operations: