
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

(no description)

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
modelerType java.lang.String RW Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once
sSLImplementation java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute sSLImplementation
serverSoTimeout int RW Introspected attribute serverSoTimeout
compression java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute compression
keystore java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute keystore
socketCloseDelay int RW Introspected attribute socketCloseDelay
compressableMimeType java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute compressableMimeType
maxKeepAliveRequests int RW Introspected attribute maxKeepAliveRequests
compressionMinSize int RW Introspected attribute compressionMinSize
disableUploadTimeout boolean RW True False Introspected attribute disableUploadTimeout
keytype java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute keytype
keypass java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute keypass
name java.lang.String R http- Introspected attribute name
backlog int RW Introspected attribute backlog
domain java.lang.String R jboss.web Introspected attribute domain
maxSavePostSize int RW Introspected attribute maxSavePostSize
reportedname java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute reportedname
protocol java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute protocol
keepAlive boolean RW True False Introspected attribute keepAlive
ciphers java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute ciphers
clientauth java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute clientauth
socketFactory java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute socketFactory
maxThreads int RW Introspected attribute maxThreads
soTimeout int RW Introspected attribute soTimeout
secure boolean RW True False Introspected attribute secure
maxHttpHeaderSize int RW Introspected attribute maxHttpHeaderSize
keyAlias java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute keyAlias
strategy java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute strategy
restrictedUserAgents java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute restrictedUserAgents
threadPriority int RW Introspected attribute threadPriority
minSpareThreads int RW Introspected attribute minSpareThreads
server java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute server
port int RW Introspected attribute port
socketBuffer int RW Introspected attribute socketBuffer
algorithm java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute algorithm
protocols java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute protocols
soLinger int RW Introspected attribute soLinger
maxSpareThreads int RW Introspected attribute maxSpareThreads
objectName javax.management.ObjectName R jboss.web:type=ProtocolHandler,port=8080,address=%2F0.0.0.0 View MBean Introspected attribute objectName
timeout int RW Introspected attribute timeout
tcpNoDelay boolean RW True False Introspected attribute tcpNoDelay
noCompressionUserAgents java.lang.String RW Introspected attribute noCompressionUserAgents

List of MBean operations:

void start()

Introspected operation start

void setProperty()

Introspected operation setProperty

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
param0 java.lang.String Introspected parameter param0
param1 java.lang.String Introspected parameter param1

void postRegister()

Introspected operation postRegister

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
param0 java.lang.Boolean True False Introspected parameter param0

void resume()

Introspected operation resume

java.lang.String getProperty()

Introspected operation getProperty

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
param0 java.lang.String Introspected parameter param0

java.lang.Object getAttribute()

Introspected operation getAttribute

Param ParamType ParamValue ParamDescription
param0 java.lang.String Introspected parameter param0

void destroy()

Introspected operation destroy

void init()

Introspected operation init

void pause()

Introspected operation pause