
JMX MBean View

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MBean description:

Wrapper that represents an individual servlet definition

List of MBean attributes:

Name Type Access Value Description
modelerType java.lang.String RW Type of the modeled resource. Can be set only once
engineName java.lang.String R jboss.web Fully qualified class name of the managed object
eventProvider boolean RW True False Event provider support for this managed object
objectName java.lang.String RW Name of the object
stateManageable boolean RW True False State management support for this managed object
statisticsProvider boolean RW True False Performance statistics support for this managed object
processingTime long R 1 Total execution time of the servlet's service method
maxTime long R 1 Maximum processing time of a request
minTime long R 0 Minimum processing time of a request
requestCount int R 3 Number of requests processed by this wrapper
errorCount int R 0 Error count
loadTime long R 0 Load time
classLoadTime int R 0 Class loading time

List of MBean operations:

[Ljava.lang.String; findMappings()

Return the mappings associated with this wrapper

org.apache.catalina.Wrapper findMappingObject()

Return an object which may be utilized for mapping to this component